Independent Contractor or Employee? What is the difference?

Independent Contractor or Employee? What is the difference?

Independent Contractor or Employee? What is the difference? What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? ALOT. It is super important to understand. One of the biggest mistakes we see is improper classification of employees and contractors....
Employee Discussions – 10 Tips to Protect Your Company

Employee Discussions – 10 Tips to Protect Your Company

Tips for Tough Employee Discussions How to protect yourself and your company when handling the tough stuff!  One of the hardest things about owning a business, can be the tough employee discussions you have to have. Performance issues and terminations can cause issues...
Small Business Insurance – What do I need?

Small Business Insurance – What do I need?

ASK AN HR PRO: What small business insurance do I need? What types of insurance should I have at my small business? Here are some other types of insurance that small businesses should consider. We will review all of these in more detail in the coming weeks. Employment...