Independent Contractor or Employee? What is the difference? What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? ALOT. It is super important to understand. One of the biggest mistakes we see is improper classification of employees and contractors....
CYB Human Resources is the Best Human Resources Team in Oklahoma and the highest rated in the entire state! We are an HR management consulting team that can help you structure your small business to keep you compliant with all the current regulations and avoid...
Why is safety important in the workplace? As the Best Human Resources Company in Tulsa, we spend alot of time working on safety with our team! Why should you be concerned with workplace safety? As an employer or small business owner, your most valuable asset is your...
Why is it necessary to implement anti-discrimination and sexual harassment training within your company? It is important to know how to prevent sexual harassment in small business. As a small business, your ultimate goal is to protect your employees and ensure their...
Are you a business owner in Oklahoma? Are you up to date on Oklahoma’s newest Marijuana laws? Did you know that an amendment to the Oklahoma Marijuana law goes into effect TODAY? Don’t worry – CYB Human Resources is a Tulsa HR Company and we are here to help you...
Do you struggle to keep employees? How diverse is your workforce? Is the struggle due to generational differences or is it something we can fix? CYB Human Resources is the best human resources company in Tulsa and we can help with employee retention! Our advice? Take...