HR Power Hour

Get Immediate HR Insights from the Top
During our HR Power Hour, you’ll connect directly with CYB’s Founder & CEO for focused, expert guidance on your HR challenges.

What is an HR Power Hour?

Our HR Power Hour is your direct line to the expertise of the Founder & CEO of CYB Human Resources, Katie Spadoro. This focused, one-on-one session is designed to address your most pressing HR challenges with immediate, actionable insights. Whether you need help navigating a complex employee issue, optimizing your HR processes, or simply getting a fresh perspective on your current strategies, this hour is dedicated to providing you with the guidance you need—fast. While this session provides immediate guidance and steps, we may need to scope out a more detailed project afterward to fully address your needs.


Who should book an HR Power Hour?

An HR Power Hour is perfect for business owners, HR leaders, and managers needing quick, expert guidance on pressing HR issues. Get direct access to the Founder & CEO of CYB Human Resources for actionable insights to start resolving challenges immediately, with the option to explore more in-depth solutions afterward. Whether you’re managing a small business or a growing company, this session helps you navigate complex HR challenges efficiently.

What to Expect?

  • Tailored Solutions: During this session, we’ll dive straight into your unique HR concerns, providing customized advice that fits your business needs.
  • Rapid Results: While we can’t overhaul your entire HR strategy in one hour, you’ll walk away with clear, actionable steps to tackle your immediate challenges.
  • Expert Perspective: Get direct access to over a decade of HR experience, distilled into practical advice that you can apply right away.
  • Next Steps: After the session, you can choose to continue with additional Power Hours for ongoing support or receive a project proposal for a more in-depth solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions about our HR Power Hour, so you can get the most value from your session.
What is an HR Power Hour?

An HR Power Hour is a focused, one-hour session with CYB’s Founder & CEO, designed to provide expert guidance on your specific HR challenges.

Who should book an HR Power Hour?
This session is ideal for business owners, HR professionals, or executives who need immediate HR advice, solutions to pressing issues, or strategic insights.
What can I expect to accomplish during the Power Hour?
During the Power Hour, you can expect to gain clear, actionable steps to address your HR concerns, identify potential challenges, and outline your next strategic moves.
How do I schedule an HR Power Hour?
You can book your session through our website. Once scheduled, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the details.
Do I need to prepare anything before the session?
Yes, it’s helpful to prepare by gathering relevant documents or details about your HR challenges. Upon booking, you may send these  in advance to help make the session as productive as possible.

What if I need more time after the Power Hour?
If you feel that more time is needed, we can schedule additional sessions or provide a custom proposal for a more in-depth project.
Can all my HR issues be resolved in one hour?
While we can address many issues in one hour, some challenges may require further exploration. We can discuss additional steps or a follow-up project if needed.
Are there any deliverables included with the HR Power Hour?
Yes, the HR Power Hour provides you with actionable insights, tailored recommendations, and clear next steps based on our discussion. You may also receive follow-up notes or resources to support the solutions outlined during the session.
Is the HR Power Hour a one-time session or part of a larger service?
The HR Power Hour is a standalone session, but it can be the first step in a broader partnership. If further assistance is needed, we can discuss ongoing support or additional services.
What topics can be covered during the Power Hour?
We can cover a wide range of HR topics, including compliance, employee relations, recruitment, performance management, and more, depending on your specific needs.