HR Hotline

What is CYB's HR Concierge Hotline?

Our Concierge HR Hotline is a must-have for any company. If your business sometimes needs help with HR, but not all the time, our Concierge HR Hotline is just right for you! This service provides occasional, real-time access to seasoned HR experts who can help you with urgent inquiries or complex HR challenges. Our certified HR experts stand ready to offer clarifying support precisely when you need it the most.

Additionally, this hotline is perfect for those just beginning to build out their in-house HR team and need guidance on the process and restructuring. With CYB’s well-established Human Resources Concierge, consider us your proactive fire alarm, helping you address and manage issues before they escalate out of control.

CYB’s Concierge HR Hotline can help prevent various problems, such as theft, management fraud, internal control weaknesses, substance abuse, safety violations, discrimination, sexual harassment, vandalism, HIPAA violations, and much more!

Protect your Employees

Show your employees that you care by protecting them with Red Flag Reporting hotline services.

An open environment stops problems from continuing unchecked.

Protect Your Reputation

One negative incident can cause years of irreparable damage. Protect your reputation.

Even an honest error in judgment by an employee, colleague, or vendor could turn into an ethical concern, a misstep with a customer, or spiral into something worse.

As a hotline provider, CYB allows your people to speak up without fear so you can deal with issues on your own terms before they escalate.

All issues are fully documented; therefore, employers are able to provide proof that a complaint was received and the company promptly responded and resolved and/or attempted to resolve the issue.

Protect Your Bottom Line

Protect your organization’s most valuable intangible asset – its goodwill.

Detect issues early, deter unethical behavior, and strengthen your affirmative defense. Avoid or minimize negative press, legal fees, fines, and settlements while both discrediting malicious lawsuits and avoiding unproductive distractions from your core operations.