HR Power Hour

HR Power Hour with CYB’s CEO

Unlock Expert HR Insights in Just One Hour

Running a business comes with HR challenges that can slow you down. Whether it’s employee issues, compliance questions, or strategy, the HR Power Hour from CYB is your fast track to expert guidance.


What is an HR Power Hour?


The HR Power Hour is a one-on-one session with CYB’s Founder and CEO, Katie Spadoro, designed to address your biggest HR issues in just one hour. You’ll get direct, actionable insights tailored to your business, whether it’s optimizing processes, resolving compliance concerns, or handling employee relations.

In one hour, you’ll walk away with clear steps to tackle your HR challenges—and if needed, we can explore more in-depth solutions afterward.


Why Book an HR Power Hour?


  • Expert Guidance: Work directly with Katie, who brings over a decade of HR expertise.
  • Immediate Solutions: Get fast, customized advice that fits your business needs.
  • Efficiency: Walk away with actionable steps to solve your most pressing HR concerns.


Who Should Book?


Business owners, HR leaders, and managers who need quick, expert advice on HR issues. The HR Power Hour is perfect for resolving challenges quickly, no matter your business size.



What to Expect

  • Tailored Solutions: We dive straight into your HR concerns, offering practical, relevant advice.
  • Rapid Results: You’ll leave with clear steps to implement immediately.
  • Next Steps: If needed, additional sessions or project proposals are available

How to Book