Successfully Scale Business – Small Business Success & Scaling
CYB’s 5 Pillar Method
CYB Human Resources was built to grow along with small businesses and guide them toward success and sustainability.
How do you successfully scale your business?
In our initial HR Audit, your CYB HR Experts build out your Roadmap to Success and Sustainability. Some clients will start in different pillars. However, the most common starting point is the Process Pillar.
Here are our proven 5 pillars of Success & Scaling when it comes to building out your business & HR Infrastructure.
CYB’s HR Experts believe these 5 main pillars hold up a growing business.
Processes for How to Successfully Scale a Business
Processes and Policies are the bedrock of a small business when looking for Success & Scaling. Ensuring that your policies are updated, legal, and implemented properly is of utmost importance. When we begin working with a client, this is typically the pillar we focus on first.
This pillar includes many items but is kicked off in our proven HR Boot camp. This first step gets you comfortable with any required policies that must be in place to build your business on a solid base.
For example, certain forms must be completed when certain instances occur. PEOs and Payroll companies may provide you with the forms, however, the secret is how the form is drafted and presented. This process can either go smoothly or blow up in your face.
Compliance for How to Successfully Scale a Business
The U.S. Department of Labor enforces roughly 180 federal labor laws. This does not include State or Local laws. HR Compliance ranges based on the size of your company, the location of your company, and many other factors. HR Compliance includes the ability to understand and implement employment law at your company in order to avoid EEOC charges and major lawsuits. These mandates and the regulations that implement them cover many workplace activities for about 150 million workers and 10 million workplaces.
In our HR Compliance Bootcamp, we ensure that your business is prepared to avoid major issues. These lawsuits can range in cost and time from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Beyond extensive payouts, consider the time and effort needed to manage a bad situation and the hit to your company’s reputation. Small businesses live and die on the back of reputation. Not only potential customers, but potential employees take note of a business’s compliance history. Who wants to work at a company this is irresponsible when managing its employees and their concerns? Most employees will avoid a company with a negative history unless they are looking for a company to sue. In my experience as an HR consultant, I have witnessed individuals choose to work at a small business because they know there were no processes in place. These individuals would get hurt or fired, and without stable policies and procedures and the company would be forced to pay, then they would turn around and tell their buddies to work there.
It may sound insane, but this is reality. Protect yourself, your business, and everything you have worked for. Success & Scaling will include active work and building out the infrasctructure.
HR Compliance is a major part of a small business. If you have employees, HR compliance should be at the forefront of your mind at all times. Things you may think are “little things,” like someone saying they are uncomfortable at work, while it may be minor, can can irreparably damage your business and destroy your finances. It is SUPER important that all managers are trained on how to deal with issues as they occur. Sending an employee back into a situation that they complained about can result in a massive lawsuit. There is a proper way to handle this situation, and it is worth it to get that process in place before you have an issue.
People for How to Successfully Scale a Business
Humans are notoriously unpredictable. One of my mentors would tell me that when I first began in HR years ago. It is the truth. No matter who you currently have working for you, there is no possible way for you to know what they are thinking at all times. People have money issues, family issues, all the issues. It is important that the people at your company feel safe and secure, treated with respect, and happy.
In our CYB People Pillar, we focus on your company’s greatest asset. Your people. People who are treated properly and are happy to work for you, want to come to work, want to make you money, want to make your life easier. If you treat people badly, you cannot expect the same. That being said, we dig in deep to figure out how to make your team want to work at your company.
This section includes an “employee temp check” and learning what your team truly wants and needs. We have found that as an outside HR support team, they are more likely to divulge to us things that they may not feel as comfortable telling you, the owner.
Employees want room for growth, and the support to do so. They want to know their job to be able to do their best each day while knowing what they are supposed to be doing. Job descriptions are key in hiring, coaching, management, and so many other things including accidents and injuries, corrective actions, and terminations.
Leadership for How to Successfully Scale a Business
Change happens from the top down. When we start working with a new small business, the C-team and upper management must be supportive of the process. It is a waste of everyone’s time for my team to come in and try to support the growth if the ownership, c-team, and executive management doesn’t believe in the process. We work only with companies whose beliefs align with our own. We believe that the people come first and that from that, you will truly be able to build and scale a business that will sustain all things.
Leaders aren’t just born that way. Sure they may have skills, or be naturally outgoing, however, these skills must be sharpened over time. Being coachable as a leader is a key to being successful at growing a business. I don’t know how many times I have had the conversation regarding leadership and its multiple facets. For example, it is important to be seen as a leader and have a clear line between yourself and employees, however, there must be times when your team is underwater or overwhelmed, and you roll up your sleeves to help. There is a difference between the two.
In our Leadership Boot camp, we meet with your leadership team one-on-one. Armed with the knowledge from employee temperature checks and the initial HR audit, we build out a training and development roadmap for the team. This process does not happen overnight and continues to evolve as your business evolves. However, building up your leadership team, not micromanaging them, is going to be a key to success.
Culture for How to Successfully Scale a Business
Culture – is the biggest buzzword at this point! Building a positive culture is not easy, however, it is easier to build it from the ground up, than it is to undo a negative culture.
In our Culture Bootcamp, we focus on many things that are the bedrock for Success & Scaling. At this time, we have most likely built out your other four pillars. That being said, your culture should already be a positive environment. Our goal is to make it impenetrable by one negative experience or one negative employee.
When reviewing your culture we review your teams surveys and feedback, and by utilizing our experience working with companies of your size and industry, build out a roadmap that is sure to provide you with a company set for success.
Some of the things we review are the team building, communication processes, events that show appreciation for your team, and so much more. These points are key when creating that culture that all individuals crave. Each company is different, some want flexible scheduling, some want vacations and opportunity to win prizes, but the main umbrella that they all fall under is EXPERIENCE and work-life balance.
All employees want to experience an environment where they feel safe and happy. Where going to work isn’t a chore, but something they actually like to do. And as a business owner, if you want your job to be easier, this is what you want as well, even if you do not know it yet. If you have a company that is struggling with having a culture like this, we have seen it many times before, and it is typically due to the fact that the other 4 CYB pillars have not been properly implemented. That being said, it is not too late to get it right.
Continued Maintenance
Once our 5 pillar system is in place, we have zero doubt that you will a happier human being overall and that your company will be prepared for Success & Scaling. Owning a business is not easy, however, we are confident in the processes and procedures we have built out over the past 7 years, and we know that if you are on board with the process, you will get there too.
All pillars will require regular maintenance, and continued adjustments, but getting them in place up front is irrefutably the most important starting point. We can’t wait to partner with you and your team and help you build a successful and sustainable business.
If you are interested in learning more about how we can help your small business scale, reach out to us today!