Essential HR Documents for a Clean and Compliant Small Business
As a small business owner, we know that you can sometimes feel that your job is all paperwork. Unsurprisingly, HR has many documents that must be completed and filed to run smoothly. The five most essential HR documents for any company are…
- An up-to-date company handbook is the most basic essential HR document. This is a living, breathing document and must be updated regularly! HINT: if you have an employee handbook and your employees haven’t signed it, it doesn’t count. 😉
- Job descriptions for every job at the company.
- An organizational chart – An organizational chart is a diagram that visually conveys a company’s internal structure by detailing the roles, responsibilities, and relationships
- Performance metrics and an employee improvement plan.
- Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a major part of the essential HR documents needed at a growing business.
The Department of Labor has countless laws and updates that must be followed. CYB’s HR Bootcamp focuses on the essential HR documents you need most. We take the time and confusion out of building these forms and records by customizing the documents to exactly what your company needs.
Let us take the stress and time commitment off your plate, learn more here.